"If you need pest control and you live in Lancaster, Berks, Chester, Cumberland, Dauphin, or York County PA, Dominion Pest Control services these counties with the area's most experienced technician average found anywhere!"
Keep those Pesky Mosquitoes Out of Your Yard and Patio
Mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks. . . sometimes it seems they are all lining up to see how they can ruin your summertime cookouts, barbecues, or yard games. The challenge of eradicating lawn pests can seem never-ending in south central Pennsylvania and makes lawn pest control a priority for most homeowners in this area.
Mosquitoes Spread Disease
Mosquitoes are the biggest culprit of all the patio and lawn pests, not just because of their nasty bites but also because of their role in spreading disease such as the Zika Virus or West Nile Virus. For a number of years now, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection has conducted an active program for combatting West Nile Virus and targets specific areas for mosquito treatment each year.
(more…)How To Tell If You Have Termites In Your Walls (8 Common Signs)
If you’ve ever experienced a termite infestation before, you know how destructive they can be to your home and how difficult they are to eradicate.
If you think your walls might be filled with termites, there are a few signs you can look for to determine if this is the case before you decide on a treatment solution.
So how can you tell if you have termites in your walls? Look for the following 8 common signs.
(more…)How Long Can Bed Bugs Live In An Empty House?
When bed bugs infest your one and only home where you live, there is clearly an urgent need to get them removed right away. But what if they infest a property you own that you’re not living in? Tempted to let the bed bugs die off on their own, you might be wondering, “how long can bed bugs live in an empty house?”
(more…)How Fast Do Bed Bugs Spread From Room To Room?
If you recently discovered that your home is infested with bed bugs, one of your first goals should be to keep them from spreading around the house as much as possible. This begs the question, “How fast do bed bugs spread from room to room?”
(more…)How Long Does It Take To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs & Keep Them Away?
Most people want to eradicate bed bugs from their house the moment they find out there’s an infestation. In addition to the inconvenience of dealing with the repercussions of bed bugs, it is also difficult to resume a normal social life until these pests are eliminated since they spread so easily. So if you’re currently dealing with a bed bug infestation and you’re eager to get over it, you may be wondering, “How long does it take to get rid of bed bugs?” In short, the answer is:
(more…)How Much Does It Cost To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs?
Bed bugs are frustrating to deal with, especially when they’ve had time to spread from room to room. If your home was recently infested with these unwanted creatures, you’re probably wondering, “How much does it cost to get rid of bed bugs?”